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Poetry|Free MP3|Poets

   As a poet you may participate in the Poet's Coop in many ways:
  • Post a poem or a "work in progress" in our online "E-Group Forum" (some call them electronic bulletin boards). Our hope is that it can serve as a "virtual writers' group" for you to get input and that all important "critical distance" for a work in progress. Also, you my find that reviewing and critiquing another's work is a source of inspiration and fulfillment. (Click if you want step by step instuctions on how to post your poem or comment on our forum ).

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  • Try our live chat room to visit with other poets and readers. (Also watch for the "Virtual Open Readings" soon to be scheduled there.)

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  • Please use our Free-for-all Links Page to add your own link to promote your favorite poetry sites or links for your original poetry you already have on the web.

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  • You can also submit full manuscripts (in MS Word format) and/or other poetic media (such as MP3's or movie files) for publication on our site. All rights to published work revert to the artist or writer upon publication. Please e-mail for more information on how to do this.

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  • To charge for your printable e-books, you will also need to e-mail us for instructions on setting up your own PayPal account. PayPal keeps a small fee, all of the rest of donations go directly into your account. You may want to download the following Adobe Acrobat file for full instructions on how to set up your own PayPal account:

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